Sunday, 13 May 2012

Melaka Public Library

Today we took a cab ride to Melaka Public Library, and it was open!
I found a librarian that had quite good English to show me around, i was not able to take heaps of photos but it was really interesting!  They have a childrens room, with lots of English books and Malay books.  During school holidays they run activities every day, and in weekends.
to the left are massive activity rooms

nice to know every kid loves Thomas!

America actually gives books and technology to Melaka Library including hard cover books, magazines, big flat screen tv and dvd, dvd's, ipad and e-reader!  They keep everything in a room called the Lincoln Corner, although the librarian said they can't always put the magazines out because of nudity!
Lincoln Corner
Melaka has 5 community libraries under the state library (this one) and each community library has 5 smaller ones, which are really just a house, and a library bus comes regularly to change the collections!  The shleves were fairly empty and it seemed mostly non-fiction, a very small chinese novel section.  They do interloans between state libraries and are very proud of the ddc system.  Mary and Gina, if you are still doing the intermediate programme you can tell them i was able to find books on the right subject even though i didn't understand the language!
They do have internet computers, but it does cost to use them, they were very impressed that our libraries do it for free.  The library is busiest during exam time with people sitting on the floor when the table and chairs (of which there are HEAPS) are used up.  mostly its because the library holds all the text books they would need and many can't afford their own text books.
ddc shelving
cool poster!

heritage room
They have a heritage room, which you need an official letter to be allowed to study in.  They have many old books as well as a collection of all Melaka writers, artists etc.
They have 11 national newspapers as well as many others, and they still do cuttings of the newspapers which are filed for reference.  They got a scanner recently, but with so many newspapers etc, she said its easier to just do the cuttings.
it was quite amazing how similar it is to NZ libraries, and how proud the librarians are of their library.  it seems so big, but she had the same old librarian complaint, we need more room!!!!

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