Sunday, 6 May 2012

last day in KL

End of day 2 we saw a Hindu temple, Sri Mahamariamman Temple.  It has a 22m high gate tower which you see in the next photo.  The rest of the photos are a small selection of the amazing art that has gone into this temple.
Gate Tower

even the ceiling is amazing!

Last day in KL
We decided to go to Titiwangsa (suburb of KL) to book bus tickets to Cherating, while there we found the stop for the get on/off bus tour of KL so thought it the perfect way to spend our last day.  We got off at the next stop because there was a public library nearby!!!  Took us a long 10 minute walk in midday heat to finally find it, and it was closed!  On a Monday!  However i still made Andre take a photo of it as it was a huge beautiful building.  I found a couple of teenagers outside on computers which is how i confirmed we were in the right place.  They said this was the only day it was closed...typical!

Then it was onward to Petronas Twin Towers.  
this is the towers from a distance

While waiting for the hop on/off bus i got excited as over the road it said ‘library’.  However it was a bar!  Once again made Andre take a photo
We saw KL Tower, from a distance.
And then the National Palace (Jalan Duta) which we were not allowed past the gates, but looked pretty impressive

I loved the street lights, make a great poppy day!
And then we went to the bird park, the world’s largest free-flight walk in aviary.

see the monkeys trying to get in with the birds!

This is a photo booth where you can stand and the birds sit all over you, i was standing nearby when a cockatoo came and sat on my hand.  The man was very quick to come over and take the bird as you are meant to pay before the bird sits on you! 

I will need to come back to this to get the name of the bird, its almost like a toucan but has a hard bit on top of its head as well,  i think they are only found in Malaysia.

On our last evening meal a buddhist monk came collecting, Andre gave him a donation, so i got  a bracelet, so have included this photo for my brother to show how slowly i am going ‘native’ (Andre insisted on the photo)

The next photo is a shot of ‘chinatown’ at night, the street we were staying next to and ate at most days/nights.

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